Focus Guitar Pedal By VFE


Pedal Manufacturer



The Focus by VFE is a versatile mid-boost pedal designed in collaboration with Adam "Nolly" Getgood from Periphery. It offers variable bass and treble cut filters for precise control over top-end grit and low-frequency saturation. The pedal's features and technical specifications are as follows:

- TIGHT: Sets the frequency roll-off point of the variable bass cut, with a range of 70Hz to 1.5kHz.
- SMOOTH: Sets the frequency roll-off point of the variable treble cut, with a range of 320Hz to 7.2kHz.
- LEVEL: Sets the gain of the output stage, providing up to 26dB of extra clean boost.
- MIX: Blends between the dry signal and the EQ signal, allowing control over the strength of the bass and treble cuts.
- SLOPE: Toggles each band between a 1-pole and 2-pole cut filter, with more poles resulting in a sharper frequency roll-off.
- INTERNAL CONTROL: The internal MAKEUP trimpot sets the makeup gain of the dry signal path, allowing for the adjustment of the relative volume of the EQ and dry signal paths or the addition of more clean boost to the dry signal path.

The pedal's dimensions are 2.17” W x 2.025” H. It utilizes various components such as resistors, capacitors, op-amps, and switches, with specific values and types listed in the build guide. The pedal is designed to be a powerful tool for enhancing guitar or bass sounds, offering a wide range of applications for musicians seeking to shape their tone effectively.

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