Pedals Alpha Dog Guitar Pedal By VFE

Pedals Alpha Dog

Pedal Manufacturer



The VFE Pedals Alpha Dog is a versatile distortion pedal designed to offer a wide range of tonal possibilities. It is based on the ProCo Ratâ„¢ and features several enhancements to expand the available distortion tones. The pedal offers the following controls:

1. LEVEL: A passive attenuator for output volume control.
2. FILTER: A simple treble cut filter to adjust the tone.
3. GAIN: Sets the gain of the LM308N op-amp, providing a smooth sweep from light-gain overdrive to raging fuzz-stortion.
4. FAT: Boosts gain and bottom end, adding a full-range gain boost for a thick modern drive tone.
5. SOFT: Utilizes Variable HCC circuitry to set the drive character of the op-amp, offering asymmetrical germanium sweetening or dynamic, smooth mosfet drive.
6. HARD: Uses Variable HCC circuitry to set the drive character of the post- gain stage, providing dynamic twin stacked silicon distortion or vintage distortion bite with compression and sustain.

The pedal also features custom pots for fine control over the clipping type, with W taper and center detents. The Variable HCC circuitry allows for fine- tuning of harmonics, compression, and clipping character.

The Alpha Dog is a single supply design, and the voltage inverter and associated components are omitted from the Switch Board. The pedal is designed for DIY use, with complete documentation available for building the pedal.

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