Iron Horse V3 Guitar Pedal By Walrus Audio

Iron Horse V3

Pedal Manufacturer

Walrus Audio


The Iron Horse V3 by Walrus Audio is a high-gain distortion pedal designed to deliver a classic distortion circuit that is thick, punchy, riffy, and rowdy. The pedal is equipped with a Si/LED (Silicon/LED) knob and a wide range of distortion knob, allowing for precise tuning from clear overdriven sounds to full-on distorted onslaught. The V3 update of the Iron Horse pedal features several enhancements, including top-mounted jacks, soft relay true bypass on/off, and a fixed volume drop-off when the distortion knob is at minimum.

Key Features:
- Classic distortion circuit
- V3 update of the original Iron Horse pedal
- Very responsive to the dynamics of playing and guitar
- Si/LED knob to blend between Silicon (high compression) and LED (less compression) clipping diodes
- Combination of blend and distortion knob opens up various ways to alter the tone
- Controls: level, tone, distortion, Si/LED blend
- Top-mounted jacks
- Soft relay true bypass
- 9-volt DC, Center Negative, 10mA
- Power Supply not included
- Made in the USA

The Iron Horse V3 is designed to be highly responsive to the dynamics of playing, unlike most distortions which may swallow up all dynamics. The Si/LED knob allows for blending between symmetrical silicon and diode clipping for a new variety of tones. When set to the left, the distorted signal uses Silicon clipping diodes, adding a high amount of compression, while rotating the knob to the right brings in LED clipping and a smaller amount of compression. Placing the knob at noon will blend between the two using different ratios of the Silicon and LED clipping diodes for more complex clipping sounds.

The pedal also features a true bypass, top-mounted jacks, and a blend style potentiometer that replaces the previous toggle switch, offering a wealth of ways to alter the tone. The Iron Horse V3 is suitable for guitarists seeking a versatile high-gain distortion pedal with precise tonal control and dynamic responsiveness.

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