Precision Multi-Drive Guitar Pedal By XAct Tone Solutions

Precision Multi-Drive

Pedal Manufacturer

XAct Tone Solutions


The XAct Tone Solutions Precision Multi-Drive is an overdrive pedal designed to provide exceptional versatility and precise control over the guitar's effect. The pedal features a three-knob layout consisting of volume, gain, and color, allowing for detailed adjustments to the tone. Additionally, it includes a Fat switch for sculpting low-end presence and an edge switch for modifying the dynamics and presence of the tone.

The Precision Multi-Drive is known for its organic drive, dense and adjustable down to the smallest detail, making it a popular choice in Nashville studios. It is capable of delivering a wide range of overdriven sounds, from the organic breakup of a vintage low-watt amp to the iconic mid-gain scream. The pedal is designed to offer a broad range of smooth tones and overdrive, making it suitable for various musical styles and applications.

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