JFET Guitar Pedal By 29 Pedals


Pedal Manufacturer

29 Pedals


The JFET by 29 Pedals is a boost pedal rooted in the designer's deep love of FET transistors and their place in classic gear. It features a JFET stage biased for a specific THD ratio, providing a tube-like character while maintaining cleanliness. The pedal includes a dual-stage IC output driver to shape the tone and ensure constant output impedance. It offers three modes to tailor the low end for fine-tuning the boost sound with your guitar. The JFET pedal produces about 18dB of gain and can be stacked with other drives. It is designed to drive cables and draws about 150mA. The pedal also features an internal power supply and high build quality.

Technical Specifications:
- Dimensions: Length (depth) 3 5/8", width 3 3/8", height 2 1/8" (imperial); 90mm (depth), 85mm (width), 52mm (height) (metric)
- Power Consumption: Approximately 150mA

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