Grape Phaser Guitar Pedal By Aguilar

Grape Phaser

Pedal Manufacturer



The Aguilar Grape Phaser features lush, analog phase shifting with a simple, two-knob layout. The RATE knob controls the speed of the modulation, while the COLOR knob feeds a portion of the signal back through the phase shifting circuit, creating new and funky bass sounds. The pedal is equipped with a four-stage phase shifter and operates using all-analog technology. It has one 1/4" input and one 1/4" output, and can be powered by a 9V power supply. The pedal also features a gig-saver bypass, allowing the signal to pass through even if the battery dies. The Grape Phaser is constructed with heavy-duty steel and comes with a three-year limited warranty.

Technical specifications include a current consumption of 3.5mA, input impedance of 1MΩ (Effect On), output impedance of 1KΩ, and external DC power requirement of 9-10VDC with center terminal negative. The pedal is designed for easy battery replacement, and it is covered under a limited warranty against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 3 years.

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