Low Blow Guitar Pedal By Wampler

Low Blow

Pedal Manufacturer



The Wampler Low Blow Bass Overdrive & Distortion Pedal is a comprehensive pedal designed to cover a bassist's boost needs. It features a three-band EQ, notch filter switching between active and bypass for focusing tone, and smooth/jagged clipping modes for alternating between overdrive and distortion. The pedal is specially voiced for the low frequencies of bass guitars and offers two unique clipping modes – Smooth and Jagged – that can take you anywhere from overdrive to distortion. The addition of a 3-band EQ (Bass, Mids, and Treble) allows a player to have more control over their tone. The pedal is 3.5″ x 4.5” x 1.5″ in size (88.9mm x 114.3mm x 38.1mm) – height excludes knobs. The Low Blow is an overdrive/distortion effect pedal for electric bass with a selectable gain structure switch.

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