BOD400 Bass Overdrive Guitar Pedal By Behringer

BOD400 Bass Overdrive

Pedal Manufacturer



The Behringer BOD400 Bass Overdrive pedal is designed to provide rich, tube- like distortion, smooth sustain, and a super-fat tone. It supports the entire frequency range of bass guitars, including 5 and 6-string models. The pedal features a BALANCE control to mix the overdriven signal with the natural bass sound for clarity and punch. It also includes a 2-band EQ, Gain, and Level controls, as well as a Balance control to blend in the right amount of clean tone while keeping the fundamental clear and providing maximum punch. The pedal operates on a 9V DC power supply or a 9V battery. The dimensions of the pedal are 70mm width, 123mm length, and 54mm height, with a weight of 0.33 kg.

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