BudWah wah wah Guitar Pedal By Budda

BudWah wah wah

Pedal Manufacturer



The Budda Bud-Wah wah wah pedal features a tight tone sweep, providing a vocal-sounding wah without ear-piercing highs. It is designed with a mids- focused coil inductor, hard-wire bypass, and grounded plane board, emulating the vocality of vintage wahs in a sturdy chassis. The pedal is built with modern technology and a classic soul, making it a perfect addition for working blues or rock guitarists. The Bud-Wah pedal is known for its sturdy construction, responsive rocker level, and top-of-the-line decals. It features true bypass, ensuring that the sound remains true to the guitar's inherent tone and output. The pedal's custom-designed inductor, based on the Fasel inductor, aims to produce a more vocal-like 'holy grail' wah sound. The Bud- Wah pedal is highly regarded for its immaculate wah tone and is considered a worthy investment for players seeking outstanding vocal-like quality and a tight, focused range.

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