Bass Whammy Guitar Pedal By DigiTech

Bass Whammy

Pedal Manufacturer



The DigiTech Bass Whammy is a pitch shift bass pedal with the following technical specifications and features:

- Pedal Type: Pitch Shift, Harmony
- Analog/Digital: Digital
- Effects: 9 x Harmony Modes, 10 x Pitch Modes
- Inputs: 1 x 1/4"
- Outputs: 1 x 1/4"
- MIDI Input for controls
- A/D D/A converters: 24-bit
- Dimensions: 6.5" W x 7.75" D x 2.5" H
- Weight: 3.6 lb
- Sample rate: 44.1 kHz
- True bypass
- MIDI controllable
- 9V DC power supply

The Bass Whammy is optimized for use with four-, five- and six-string electric basses and employs accurate pitch detection and polyphonic note tracking. It features classic and chord (polyphonic) tracking modes and offers a wide range of bending possibilities, from two octaves up to an octave down. The pedal also includes a MIDI input for receiving incoming MIDI data, allowing for control over the Whammy effect and its active status.

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