The Simplifier by DSM & Humboldt Electronics has the following technical specifications and features:
Simplifier MK-II:
- Weight: 360 grams (0.8 lb)
- Dimensions: 120 x 70 x 45 mm (4.7 x 2.7 x 1.8 inches)
- Power supply requirements:
- Voltage: 9 to 12V DC regulated
- Connector: 2.1mm DC jack, Center negative
- Current consumption: 150mA
- Recommended supply current: 200mA and up
- Input Impedance:
- Input: 1Meg Ohm
- L & R return: 1Meg Ohm
- Output impedance:
- Send: 1K Ohm
- Unbalanced Outputs: 4.7K Ohms
- Balanced Outputs: 100 Ohms
- Headphone amp specs:
- Power: 135mW into 32 Ohms
- Compatible with 16, 32, 64, and 96 Ohm headphones
- Loss of power can occur with higher impedance headphones
Simplifier DLX:
- Ultra connectivity platform for stereo 2-channel amplifier or 2-parallel
- Two fully independent preamps capable of modeling iconic amplifier tones
- Multi-stage stereo reverb with mix control for each channel independently
- Other features include left and right power amp SIM, two independent
CABSIMS, high-grade headphone amp with AUX input, heavy-duty self-designed
anodized aluminum case, low power consumption, and compact size
- Weight: 580 grams (1 pound)
- Dimensions: 13.5 x 10 x 5.8 cm (5.1 x 3.9 x 2.5 inches)
These details provide a comprehensive overview of the technical specifications and features of the Simplifier by DSM & Humboldt Electronics.
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