Tri-Logic Bass Preamp Guitar Pedal By EWS

Tri-Logic Bass Preamp

Pedal Manufacturer



The EWS Tri-Logic Bass Preamp 2 features a compact design with dimensions of 112mm (W) x 65mm (D) x 50mm (H) and weighs 320g. It is equipped with true bypass switching and operates at a power consumption of 18VDC/4.3mA. The input impedance is Passive-1MΩ and Active-100KΩ. The preamp includes a 3-band EQ with Treble (10KHz+/-13dB), Middle (Hi-Mid 800Hz+/-10dB, Low-Mid 400Hz+/-12dB), and Bass (90Hz+/-15dB) controls. It is compatible with a 9VDC (006P) ×2 battery or a 9VDC negative tip power adapter. The MSRP for this model is $210.

The EWS Tri-Logic Bass Preamp 3 maintains a neutral characteristic while offering added features and flexibility. It includes a gain control with clean boost and high gain modes, Treble control with ±15db and switchable frequencies, Mid control with ±10db and sweeping between 250Hz to 3KHz, and Bass control with ±15db and switchable frequencies. It operates at 9VDC/3.3mA or 18VDC/6.6mA power consumption and uses a 9VDC(006P)×1 battery. The MSRP for this model is $210.

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