Bass Muffin Guitar Pedal By Foxgear

Bass Muffin

Pedal Manufacturer



The Bass Muffin by Foxgear is an aggressive muff designed specifically for bass guitar. It features a blend option that allows users to maintain the bottom end clean. The blend control provides separate volume adjustments for the clean and distorted signals, offering precise control over each part. The pedal includes the following technical specifications:

- Power In: 9 to 12VDC (negative TIP)
- Consumption at 9V: <100mA
- Input Impedance: <=1M Ohm
- Output Impedance: <=10K Ohm
- Width: 60mm (2.3 inches)
- Length: 120mm (4.7 inches)
- Height: 30mm (1.1 inches)
- Weight: 0.2kg (0.4lbs)

The Bass Muffin also features controls for Filter (sets the EQ of distorted signal), Gain (controls the amount of gain), Volume (sets the volume of the distorted signal), and Blend (controls the volume of the dry signal). Additionally, it operates on a true bypass mode and requires a 9V – 12V DC power supply with center negative polarity, consuming less than 100mA of power.

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