DDL20 Digital Delay III Guitar Pedal By Ibanez

DDL20 Digital Delay III

Pedal Manufacturer



The Ibanez DDL20 Digital Delay III is a straightforward digital delay pedal that offers essential features for modern guitar work. It provides a superior bandwidth of 16kHz and a wide range of delay times from 8ms to 1024ms, catering to various delay effects necessary for contemporary guitar playing, including doubling and long delay. The delay sound is described as high- quality, ambient, and clear.

- Input Impedance: 500k Ohms
- Output Impedance: < 1k Ohm
- Maximum Input Level: +5 dBv
- Maximum Output Level: +5 dBv
- Equivalent Input Noise: -90 dBv (IHF-A)
- Power Consumption: 58.5 mA
- Power Requirements: 9 V DC
- Dimensions: 125(D) x 70(W) x 54(H) mm
- Weight: 440g
- Bandwidth: 16kHz (+0.5, -3dB)
- Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.5% (400Hz, -20dBv)

The pedal allows manipulation of the signal by setting up a time period before the sound is "played back," and it is converted back into analog form. The effects based on delay are diverse, including doubling, slap echo, flanging, phasing, and chorus, each utilizing different delay times and levels of feedback (Repeat). The DDL20 features effect names printed above the corresponding delay times to serve as a guideline for selection.

The DDL20 Digital Delay III is designed to provide a versatile and high- quality digital delay experience for guitarists, offering a range of delay effects and clear, ambient sound.

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