Steve Harris SH1 Signature SansAmp Guitar Pedal By Tech 21

Steve Harris SH1 Signature SansAmp

Pedal Manufacturer

Tech 21


The Tech 21 Steve Harris SH1 Signature SansAmp is a versatile and powerful bass preamp pedal designed to replicate the iconic tone of Steve Harris, the founder and bassist of Iron Maiden. Here are the technical specifications and features:

- All-analog SansAmp™ technology
- Two channel modes with individual Gain and Level controls
- Blend to control the ratio of SansAmp Tube Amplifier Emulation and the direct instrument signal
- 4-band active EQ, cut or boost ±18dB
- Bite switch to activate a “Steve” boost for extra clank and clarity
- Chromatic tuner
- 1/4-inch 4.7mOhm input
- XLR output with ground lift to go direct to a PA desk or studio board
- 1/4-inch low impedance output
- Built-in speaker/cab sim: The 100% analog SansAmp Tube Amplifier Emulation technology encompasses the entire signal chain, from pre-amp to power amp to speaker simulation
- Speaker simulation defeat switch
- Rugged, all-metal housing
- Metal footswitches and jacks
- Silent-switching, custom footswitch actuators
- Dimensions: 7.75” x 2.5” x 1.25”
- Weight: 12 oz
- Includes 9V DC Universal Power Supply with interchangeable international prong assemblies for EU, UK, Australia/New Zealand

The SH1 Signature SansAmp is designed to provide a wide spectrum of bass tones, with additional pre-loaded settings voiced to channel other legendary bassists and styles including Phil Lynott, Lemmy, Geezer Butler, James Jamerson, Cliff Burton, Genesis, and Deep Purple. It is a compact and powerful tool for bassists looking to achieve a versatile and high-quality bass tone, suitable for both live performances and studio recordings.

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