Bass Comp Guitar Pedal By Diamond

Bass Comp

Pedal Manufacturer



The Diamond Bass Comp/EQ is an optical bass compressor and tilt EQ pedal designed to provide smooth, natural compression and tone sculpting capabilities. Here are the technical specifications and features:

- Input Impedance: > 1MΩ
- Output Impedance: < 10KΩ
- Switching: Relay True Bypass
- Power Requirement: 9-18 VDC, negative tip, 2.1 mm barrel jack
- Current Draw @ 9 VDC: 22mA
- Dimensions: 4.8 x 2.64 x 1.58 inches
- Top-mounted jacks and soft touch relay switching
- Equipped with Burr Brown Integrated circuits
- Hand-made in Montreal, Canada
- Custom spec'd, US made opto-isolators for smooth attack and decay characteristics
- Mids boost/cut control
- 3-position Tilt Frequency switch for selecting the switchable Tilt EQ Fulcrum Frequency (250 Hz, 500 Hz, 900 Hz)
- Wide-ranging compression control with bi-color LED indicator

The pedal is designed to maintain the classic circuit architecture while increasing range and functionality, making it a versatile and essential tool for bass players seeking precise control over their tone and dynamics.

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