Pompeii Guitar Pedal By Cicognani Engineering


Pedal Manufacturer

Cicognani Engineering


The Pompeii PE603 by Cicognani Engineering is a sophisticated echo unit designed to simulate a 4-head valve Binson in terms of both sound and functionality, with the addition of varispeed. It features a full tube preamplifier and is equipped with a robust metal case in pedal size. The unit offers three styles (Echo-Rep-Swell), four heads, and 12 combinations with the possibility of changing the delays via "Varispeed" while keeping the synchronism unchanged. The Pompeii PE603 provides a range of delay times from classic slap-back to up to 740mS, with single repeats and multiple head combinations allowing for various musical textures. The swell mode creates a reverberation using all the heads simultaneously. The unit also features a 12AU7 tube for warm sound with maximum transparency and a Fet cascade circuit for mixing gains and buffering the signal. The feedback and tone circuits have been carefully developed to create beautiful sounds, and the "Magic of Age" control simulates the mechanical aging of the Old Italian Echo. The Pompeii PE603 can be powered by 9 to 12VDC (negative tip) and offers various technical specifications, including input impedance, input sensitivity, output impedance, linear response, signal-to-noise ratio, and more. The unit also comes with a 2-year warranty from Cicognani Engineering.

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