Strategy Guitar Pedal By CopperSound Pedals


Pedal Manufacturer

CopperSound Pedals


The CopperSound Pedals Strategy is a highly powerful two-channel preamp and overdrive pedal, featuring an audiophile-grade Burr Brown Op Amp. In "Preamp Mode," the Strategy can provide a unity volume or a staggering 30dB boost, delivering ample volume to drive the front end of an amplifier for a fat and articulate overdrive. Toggling the switch on the back engages "Overdrive Mode," adding subtle to substantial grit when adjusting the volume knob. The pedal's elegant tone stack, present in both channels, allows for precise signal sculpting, making it an excellent choice for an "always on" pedal.

Key Controls:
- TONE: A high/low-pass filter network that emphasizes lows at 1 and emphasizes highs at 10.
- VOLUME: In Preamp Mode, sets the overall output level, with higher settings leading to natural distortion. In Overdrive Mode, sets the gain level of the overdrive signal, working in tandem with the internal trim pot.
- MODE SWITCH: Toggles between Preamp and Overdrive modes, indicated by the bypass LED.
- SMART BYPASS: Allows for normal engagement with a tap of the footswitch and momentary mode activation by holding down the footswitch.
- MOMENTARY DIP SWITCH: Engages or disengages the SMART BYPASS system.
- INTERNAL GAIN POT: Controls the overall saturation of the overdriven signal in Overdrive Mode.

- Powerful, two-channel preamp and overdrive
- Audiophile-grade, hi-fi op-amp
- Wide-sweep capable tone control
- Master Volume control ranging from boost to breakup
- Latching, momentary, fail-safe operation via proprietary SMART BYPASS switching system
- Customizable finish, pickguard, knobs, and hardware
- Over 30dB of gain to drive the amp into breakup territory
- Perfect choice as an "always on" pedal
- 9V–18V operation

- IN/OUT: 1/4" instrument cable
- Power Consumption: @ 9V: 40mA | @ 18V: 40mA

The Strategy V2 is an all-analog shot of adrenaline, designed to provide a wide range of tonal possibilities for guitarists.

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