Alpha·Omega Guitar Pedal By Darkglass Electronics


Pedal Manufacturer

Darkglass Electronics


The Alpha·Omega by Darkglass Electronics is a versatile bass preamplifier with two distinct distortion circuits, Alpha and Omega, which can be selected or blended using the Mod knob. It features a six-band active graphic EQ, headphone output, and balanced direct output with switchable digital impulse- response cabinet emulation. The front panel features include Blend (mixes clean and processed signals), Level (sets the volume of the overdriven signal), Drive (sets the amount of gain in the overdriven signal), Bite (boosts high mids for additional presence and definition), and Growl (shelving bass boost for a fatter tone and increased low-end saturation). The dimensions are 94 mm width, 120 mm length, and 46 mm height, with a weight of 320 g. The current draw is 30mA, and it requires a regulated 9V DC adapter with a center- negative plug.

The Alpha·Omega Ultra version offers similar features with additional enhancements, including a Master volume control, auxiliary input for practicing with backing tracks, internal stereo headphone amplifier, USB connectivity for loading cabinet simulation impulse responses, and control of various other settings. The dimensions are 125 mm width, 96 mm length, and 57 mm height, with a weight of 430 g. The current draw is 120mA, and it also requires a regulated 9V DC adapter with a center-negative plug.

Both versions come with input and output options, ground lift control, direct output, and USB connectivity for additional functionality.

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