Dual Bass Station DBS-1 Guitar Pedal By Providence

Dual Bass Station DBS-1

Pedal Manufacturer



The Providence DBS-1 Dual Bass Station is a high-quality bass preamp designed for professional use. It features two inputs (A/B) and independent EQ-Masters for each input, allowing for versatile sound shaping and control. When only "IN-A" is used, two different presets can be utilized by switching channels from A to B. Both channels are equipped with versatile 3-band equalizers suitable for a wide range of musical genres and playing styles.

Key Technical Specifications:
- Controls: BASS, MID, MID FREQ, TREBLE, MASTER / A_B each channel, MUTE, A/B
- Connectors: Standard 1/4-inch phone jacks (IN-A, IN-B, OUT, TUNER), DC12V input jack
- Electrical characteristics: BASS 60Hz±14dB peaking, MID 150Hz–1kHz±14dB peaking, TREBLE 3kHz±14dB peaking, MASTER -∞ to +10dB, Output noise level -95dBu or less (IHF A.W.T.D), Harmonic distortion 0.01% or less (Output 0dBu)
- Power Supply: Supplied AC adaptor (PAP-712DCJ for North America and Japan, PAP-712DCE for Europe, PAP-712DCU for UK)
- Power Consumption: DC12V, 110mA
- Dimensions: 122mm (D) x 101mm (W) x 58mm (H)
- Weight: Approximately 370g (excluding AC adaptor)

The internal circuitry is powered by a 24-volt supply, enabling expressive dynamic range and clarity for bass guitar performance. The unit is built with high-quality components to achieve ultra-low noise (over S/N -95db) and low distortion rate (under 0.01%), meeting the demands of professional musicians.

The DBS-1 Dual Bass Station is suitable for bass players seeking precise control over their sound and is designed to integrate seamlessly into a professional signal chain.

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