LS10 Dual Loop Selector Guitar Pedal By Ibanez

LS10 Dual Loop Selector

Pedal Manufacturer



The Ibanez LS10 Dual Loop Selector is a switching device that allows users to group their effects into two discrete loops and switch between them or bypass them completely. Each loop has its own level control with +/- 6dB of gain control. The LS10 can be used as an input master switch or as an output master switch by varying patch connections. It provides a choice of two signal routes to a final destination, making it useful for switching between different sets of effects for different sounds. The level of each loop is adjustable, and it can also be used for switching between three guitars or three amplifiers by considering sends as outputs and returns as inputs.

- Input Impedance: 500k Ohms
- Output Impedance: < 1k Ohm
- Send Impedance: < 1k Ohm
- Return Impedance: 500k Ohm
- Maximum Input Level: +10 dBv
- Maximum Output Level: +10 dBv
- Loop Control Gain: +6 dB
- Equivalent Input Noise: -95 dBv (IHF-A)
- Power Consumption: 10 mA
- Power Requirements: 9 V DC
- Dimensions: 125(D) x 70(W) x 54(H) mm
- Weight: 420g

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