GC-2 Limiting Amplifier Guitar Pedal By Keeley

GC-2 Limiting Amplifier

Pedal Manufacturer



The Keeley GC-2 Limiting Amplifier is a high-fidelity compressor pedal designed for precise control and musical results. It is built around the exotic and extremely high-fidelity THAT Corp. 4320, providing studio-grade compression in a stomp box format. The pedal uses high-performance Voltage Controlled Amplifiers, an on-board true-RMS detector, and ultra-high- performance op-amps to deliver top-quality compression.

Key Specifications:
- Voltage Input: 9.6V
- Current Draw: 15mA
- Input Impedance: 1 Meg ohm
- Output Impedance: 100 ohm
- Output Voltage Gain: +30dB Boost
- Bandwidth: > 20kHz
- Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.1%
- Noise: -95dBV
- Threshold Indicator: Dual LED

The GC-2 Limiting Amplifier is suitable for use with guitars, keyboards, drum machines, and various other instruments, offering a full frequency range and transparency. It features compression and threshold controls, allowing musicians to easily amplify and protect their speakers from clipping and distortion. The pedal also provides attack and release parameters for adaptive timing, ensuring precise compression tailored to the input signal.

Overall, the Keeley GC-2 Limiting Amplifier is designed to provide genuine rack-mount quality in a compact pedal, offering low noise, transparency, and a wide range of control for musicians seeking professional-grade compression in a convenient format.

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