Melee: Wall of Noise Guitar Pedal By Walrus Audio

Melee: Wall of Noise

Pedal Manufacturer

Walrus Audio


The Walrus Audio Melee: Wall of Noise is a distortion + reverb combo pedal that integrates a joystick to blend reverb and distortion into a powerful sound. The pedal allows users to run the distortion into the reverb or the reverb into distortion, offering flexibility in the signal chain. The Melee features three different reverb programs: Ambient Reverb (Pink LED), Octave Down Reverb (Yellow LED), and Reverse Reverb with Feedback (Blue LED), each providing unique sonic characteristics.

The joystick controls the amount of distortion by moving it up and down, while moving it left and right adjusts the reverb mix. Additionally, the pedal includes tone and decay toggles with low, medium, and high settings, and modulation can be added to the wet signal by holding down the bypass switch and moving the decay toggle.

The Melee is equipped with three bypass modes: DSP, DSP+True, and True Bypass. It requires a power supply of 9VDC, center negative, with a minimum of 200mA. The die-cast enclosure's exact size is 3.62” x 4.79” x 3.14” (including joystick height).

The pedal offers momentary features, allowing users to press and hold the sustain switch to ramp up the reverb trails and release to ramp them back down to the current decay setting. The sustain switch can also latch in all three programs, capturing and sustaining the current reverb decay for long pad-like sounds in the wet mix.

The Walrus Audio Melee: Wall of Noise pedal has received positive feedback for its unique joystick controls, versatile reverb programs, and the combination of distortion and reverb, making it suitable for various musical applications.

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