SY-1 Synthesizer Guitar Pedal By BOSS

SY-1 Synthesizer

Pedal Manufacturer



The BOSS SY-1 Synthesizer is a versatile pedal that transforms any guitar or bass into a synthesizer without the need for programming. It offers 121 ultra- responsive sounds across 11 categories, including expressive leads, sweeping pads, layered organs, fat basses, rhythmic synth patterns, and more. The pedal is polyphonic, allowing for the playing of both single notes and chords.

The SY-1 can be used with any guitar or bass via a standard 1/4-inch cable, providing a plug-and-play experience with latency-free performance. It features grab-and-go Tone/Rate and Depth knobs for adjusting synth voices, and it can be integrated into a pedal chain with the send/return loop and dedicated mix controls. Additionally, the pedal offers real-time control options, including sustaining the last-played synth sound, tap tempo and octave-shift effects with an external footswitch, and continuous Tone/Rate control with an expression pedal.

The standard features of the SY-1 include expressive synth sounds, no programming needed, plug-and-play and latency-free performance, a universe of synth sounds inside, compatibility with any rig, and options for enhancing performances with real-time control.

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