Dug Pinnick DP-3X Signature Pedal Guitar Pedal By Tech 21

Dug Pinnick DP-3X Signature Pedal

Pedal Manufacturer

Tech 21


The Dug Pinnick DP-3X Signature Pedal by Tech 21 is a compact adaptation of the Tech 21 Ultra Bass 1000 Signature head, designed to recreate the sound originally developed by dUg Pinnick in the 1980s, merging high-end distortion with low-end bass. The pedal features all-analog technology and offers two modes for clean/traditional bass sounds as well as a Mix mode for dUg's tone. It includes a 10dB Gain switch, 3-band active EQ with switchable Mid, and a Chunk control for high-end distortion. The COMP feature utilizes old-school, all-analog, FET-based technology, providing warmth, transparency, and musicality.

Additional features include a 1/4-inch 4.7megOhm input, XLR output with ground lift for direct connection to a PA desk or studio board, 1/4-inch low impedance output, and a headphone mode switch. The pedal is housed in a rugged, all-metal casing with metal footswitches and jacks, and it utilizes silent-switching, custom footswitch actuators. It measures 7.75” in length, 2.5” in width, and 1.25” in height, and weighs just 12 oz. The pedal utilizes an included 9V DC Universal Power Supply with auto-switching, self-adjusting 100V-240V, 200mA, and includes interchangeable international prong assemblies for EU, UK, Australia/New Zealand for worldwide use.

In addition to dUg’s personal setting, sample settings styles provided in the owner’s manual include Muse/Hysteria, Yes/Roundabout, Tom Petersson, Paul McCartney, and Smooth Studio. The pedal also features a chromatic tuner for added convenience.

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